Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Click .. Suits a GUI .. Not your life..

A click on your mouse can send an email, can take you anywhere on the internet, can shoot the enemy in your favourite FPS game, can download any song you wanna listen to or can get you a recipe in an instant, can probably change the lighting scheme of your room, but a click to get you through life .. bad times, arguments, suffering... be careful what you wish for ..

Adam Sandler just had to go through a long nightmare to learn his lesson in the movie 'Click', but i'm sure there have been times where you wish you could just get past that one sickness or just one argument or just a couple of months to get to your dream a lil faster... Hold on !! chill .. you will get past it .. that's life .. don't start leaving life behind, or even worse, don't keep life for later .. coz it's that every moment that you live, live it well, or not so well, suffer, curse someone, argue, and then make up for it, be an ass, or dream, feel good, celebrate happiness... that's life .. life's not just about getting it done with, its about living it...

How often do you see ambitious guys and girls, forget everything and work like there's no tommorrow.. and why ?? just so they can have a better life for themselves and their families... but just stop for a moment and rethink .. are you losing the good life that you could have had today for a better tommorrow, and before you know it, you're working for a better day after!! and in the process of doing so you fast forward your life and tend to miss out on those years of the life you were looking forward to and now it's gone... when you realise it's usually too late to go back all those years and re live those moments... there's no rewind button .. and you don't wanna be late for your own life..

so STOP !! look at the bigger picture.. rethink your motives... and start again but this time having thought a lil more about what you REALLY want !! don't keep clicking the next button for your life like in an installation .... think about it ..

P.S. : watch the movie .. its worth a watch .. :)


Anonymous said...


This post reminded me of a Guy Kawasaki post I read a while back. Here is the link -

Specifically Rule #9 - Pursue Joy, Not Happiness.

What do you think?

tainted glass said...

I agree.. think both of us are trying to say similar things .. as i mentioned in my post as well.. life's about living it, not just getting it done and over with ..hoping for the hapinness at the end of teh tunnel.. i like the other stuff he says as well.. thing about not rushing to start working or play an instrument .. learn a language .. and enjoy family and friends before they are gone .. thanks for the link.. nice article..